Reasons to be Cheerful..

Reasons to be Cheerful..


Art itself is a reason to be cheerful.  So why is it so often instead a medium expressing suffering?  And where does the believer fit in today's art world?

Beautiful. Worthy. Good.

It’s fitting that this blog post will be our first and I hope it gives some insight into our motivation for this project we call: Cheerful.  Art is beautiful. Art is useful. And art is worship. When God created the flora and fauna, it’s written that some were for beauty and others for the medicinal benefits they bring.  This is our first clear indication that God creates for usefulness AND attractiveness. 


Beauty is not mutually exclusive from utility.  By that I mean that sometimes we love something because of what it brings to us; we find it beautiful for that, as much as how aesthetically pleasing it is.

Scripture is full of art with purpose.  Just consider the Ark, the Tabernacle, the Temple or the description of the Throne Room.  References to precious metals, fabrics, colours, stones, flowers, animals and engravings.  It's not by chance, and it's no mistake, that Eden was designed to be both diverse and bountiful.  That's just a hallmark of God's creativity. 

a beautiful simulated landscape

And so, God imbued creation with His own nature.   God anoints creation with creativity AND craft.  Consider the dance of the Bird of Paradise, the sand sculptures of the Pufferfish, how the angels sing  - even Lucifer was created with creative purpose prepared ahead for him, and creativity was put into him, giving him special talent, skill & knowledge.

“You were in Eden, the garden of God;

Every precious stone was your covering:
The ruby, the topaz and the diamond;
The beryl, the onyx and the jasper;
The lapis lazuli, the turquoise and the emerald;
And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets,
Was in you.
On the day that you were created
They were prepared.
“You were the anointed cherub who covers,
And I placed you there.
You were on the holy mountain of God;"

Ez2 8:13

Art Today

All through the bible we see art, creativity and skill mentioned as pleasing to God, and most importantly, directly inspired by God.  In our current age though, art is often something quite different to this. 

Today art as 'expression' has few conventional parameters, so anything goes.  Additionally, it's used to pursue more money, sell more things, generate fame & prestige and let's face it, it's often dark.


Where we come in…

It cannot be surprising that a world without God would make art without God, or celebrating his benefits.  This is as expected.  But there are some clear learnings from this for the Christian artist.

Art as a Ministry

So many amazingly talented artists are tormented - and this is reflected in the content of their work.  We need especially young artists to know that while we see this, we don't have to replicate living in lonely torment to make our mark as artists. 

While there is a truth in authentic suffering, the whole truth, for the believer, is that there is a peace that passes understanding.  So even in suffering there is safety.  In fact, present suffering from a Christian perspective is often a process for a larger future blessing ahead. 

So while the study of death, decay, dystopia and suffering is valid, they are only half the story - if you're a believer.  And if we only tell half a story, we're just not being honest.  Aka we're being: inauthentic, inaccurate, false... telling a lie..  

On the other hand, IF we show things as they truly are, then authenticity is shared.  We, as believers, should be doing this - not just in art, but in every project we commit to.  Wherever we live there is a ministry that needs supported.  So in artistic fields, just as in every walk of life, there is a need to reach the hurting.  We owe them the truth. That's the only thing that can help them.  So we need to tell them the truth we know.  The whole truth - and nothing but the truth. That's how we set them free..


Being Limitless 

Secular art movements may teach us to how to master a style, but they undoubtedly inhibit Christian creativity, demean God's creation, often focus on and celebrate unhealthy subject matter and, worst of all, reject God and his merciful and loving nature.  

But God remains faithful.  His gift of art is still freely given to all, whether or not they believe.  Part of our purpose while on earth is to restore what God gave into its correct place and perspective.  We do this in partnership with him.  So we need to change any mindset we have that we are limited by God and see the truth - that we are actually limited by art without God.  God is THE Creator, with more creativity to share with us than we could absorb in a thousand lifetimes.  He created the universe after all.

Knowing this helps us avoid mere replication, or creating for prestige and with any pretence.  Scripture tells us:

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, and no human mind or heart has conceived of, the good things in store for those that love him."

We will never, ever reach the end of His creativity simply because, we never, ever could.  That brings an incredible amount of freedom to us who follow him - and puts all creative pursuits in perspective. Which is a good thing - because only when things are in their right place can anything truly innovative work or any pioneering be accomplished.

Our Future

As believers then, we are not limited by culture.  We are far more limitless than any art scene or secular thinking.  In fact, we KNOW we were given our talents specifically to use them - we were designed to have them in us: to bless and share the excellence, and truth, of God's nature and will through them, being blessed ourselves in this process, throughout our lifetime.  What a privilege, even when painful to live with such purpose.

Sharing these truths, and exploring them, is very much why we created Cheerful.  We believe that innate talents are actually God given talents, and so, it also stands that only by finding God can the artist truly fulfil their creative ambitions and be free from the chains that hold them back and suffocate the beauty God put inside them.  

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