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Lilies Mirror

Lilies Mirror


oil on canvas


Approx. 100x60cm (40x23.6in)

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Inspiration: Beauty, relfection, lilies, Solomon, being loved



This beautiful large iron framed mirror was an original piece.  The artist said, they considered how many of us really consider ourselves as a work of art, but with the humility so unknown to this world's vanity.  The inspiration for the piece was Jesus' asking us to consider the lilies and the sparrows.  Lilies so beautiful that not even Solomon was clothed as beautifully - and the sparrows so precious that God saw their lives and deaths, so how much more precious are we.  We are asked to stop worrying and trust that we are wonderfully made and provided for, without any effort on our part.

We are reminded that we are the workmanship of the Father, known and cherished by him.  Should it not be then that each time we look in the mirror, we are reminded of this beautiful truth.  Lillies and sparrows wrought in iron surround the frame of this unique piece.

"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.."

Matthew 6:28

About the Artists


Cheerful is a Christian collective working in mixed media, largely based in Ireland & the UK. These artists prefer to remain anonymous under the umbrella of the collective name 'Cheerful'. Cheerful produce a large variety of art styles, from traditional fine art to digital multimedia pieces, including projection mapping, AR & VR. This is reflected in their reimagining of many prominent traditional visual art styles, and era's, remixed with more contemporary media, art styles, or using bold interpretations.